"A girl should be two things: who and what she wants."
-Coco Chanel

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Today is my last day in America before I go explore the historic recesses of China! What is the process of getting ready for a universal trip like? Well here is just a taste.
This travel journal was purchased at a local Barnes and Nobles.

You must be sure to pack everything you need because you never know which of your products will be culturally acceptable; or even available for that matter.
While I focus, I much prefer my pastel blue CD player to Apple Radio and some speakers. It gives off a much more homey vibe!
 I also reset my phone so I would have room for photos and WeChat (a Chinese made app that is very similar to FaceTime).

Remember that knowledge is power; so studying up before a trip is a life hack for success.

Zaijian Ohio 

XOXO, Victoria

Monday, June 1, 2015

Monday Revelations

Today was started off with a bang when I woke up with a  nightmare. Beads of sweat fell down the surface of my face like a rainy day in autumn. And I was momentarily afraid. You see, today is my little brothers birthday, so it only makes sense that he turned into a substantial part of the plot. In this particular dream he mysteriously murdered me. The interesting thing about today, was that the dream didn't stop right before the killing like it would on the average night. No, I watched as he pierced my skin, sending an eminent silence to fall upon the house. Afterwards, I was brought to my funeral; where my dear mom didn't know what to do with herself. Her shuddering body and hiccuping cries sent tears down my face. I had no way to tell her that I was alright. There was no way for me to wipe her tears and tell her not to cry. 

 It reminded me that everyday is not promised. It reminded me that everything you have right now could be done and gone within just a few seconds.  That realization might have been exactly what I needed to come out of myself. As teenagers, no as human beings, we tend to over look the small things in life. We take advantage of the people around us because there isn't one doubt in our minds that we can just "apologize tomorrow". 

 Well apologize today. Don't hold yourself back from saying "I love you" and telling the people around you just how important the are to you. Remember that every second lived is a second longer than before. Be proud to have people around you who truly care about you. Be grateful for all the things you have gotten to do; rather than envious of the things you may never experience. Come out of your selfishness and realize that your life is blessed and that you are loved. Be kind. Be joyous. Be giddy. Be energetic. Be unique. 
Be natural.


I was looking back through a few old "photoshoots" and I found an interesting array of photos.

This was about a year and a half ago when I first decided I'd cut down on  my flat iron usage.  Now looking back, I think I was on to something. This was just a protective style I came up with on a whim. My hair was just in a lot of braids for the braid out I wanted to wear the next day. Should I maybe explore this style again?

I think I may dabble in this type of style again. Not only did I look naturally glam; but it was super fierce.


Saturday, May 30, 2015

Miracle or Madness

Recently the school year ended and my summer began. With this change, that came ever so abruptly this year, I decided to test the waters a little bit. You know what I mean... hop out of my comfort zone.
I dyed my hair a bright pink, and all-in-all it was a fun experience. As you can probably tell, the pink turned out as more of an auburn color than the vibrant pink shown on the bottle. It was very simple actually, I just used Jerome Russel's "Be Wild" spray dye. This color really made me stand out from the crowd and it was a great way to finish up a long year.
If you are at all interested in playing with different colors for your naturally glam hair, just click on this link to Itsmyrayeraye's tutorial on getting this look!
Just remember, you are the beholder of your own fate. If you bottle yourself up because you are "too old" or it is "too late", you are never truly going to be satisfied with who you are. At the end of the day, the only person you have to deal with is yourself. So why not live a life of happiness and shamelessness. Adding this pop of color in my life is just what I needed to feel free. What do you do to embrace your natural?


  • Make sure you are in a well ventilated area because this stuff is strong.
  • Wear an old tee shirt because this stuff will stain.
  • Do not listen to Itsmyrayeraye, this stuff DOES bleed off on just about everything (I had it in my hair for around 6 days and it continued to bleed off every time I attempted to moisturize my hair.)
  • Start with blown out hair because this stuff IS flammable; and you cannot apply heat with it in your hair.
  • Spritz your hair in short spurts (apply liberally for brighter hues).
  • Do not spray the underside of hair unless you intend on wearing your hair up in a ponytail.